Conserve Your Mind

What is a conservative mind set? Is the United States indeed the model of freedom for the rest of the world? Are liberals un-patriotic? Could liberals live in the world they propose? These and other political and philosophical ideas are explored here by me and select others.


Freedom is probably the most over-used, misunderstood words of our time. It is not the so-called freedom sought by the adolescent who wishes to wear a t-shirt with a four-letter word across it to school. This display is not the essence of freedom at all. John Locke himself made a distinction between patently offensive acts that in and of themselves actually degrade true freedom by creating societal disharmony and hostility. This I will explore more extensively later. I primarily have an interest in testing the ideas and assertions of todays politicians, pundits and pseudo intellectuals. Please come along and see if freedom and truth can be preserved.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

NPR Misrepresents Again

Recently on our local NPR station, (yes, I listen to NPR quite frequently) the newscaster said "...The Gold Star Mothers Club (a group ofmothers of U.S. soldiers who have lost their sons & daughters in combat) had prohibited a women who lost her son in combat from joining the group because she was born in the Philippines". As you may know, entrance to the organization was restricted on the basis of her not being a citizen, NOT because she was born in the Philippines. The point of the story was that the organization voted yesterday to lift the citizenship restriction, which the newscaster never said, rather she said that they had voted to change their admission policy. But that was not imparted, instead she took a solid shot at the group by implying it was racist for not letting a Filipino join. Last week the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the funding arm of PBS/NPR, decried Congressional cuts to their budget saying they were lauded by others forbeing so neutral in their news reporting. And yes, I must say that they blame the U.S.A. just as much as they blame other "conservative" governments and countries with capitalist economies for a myriad of problems in the world. I have always found convenient omissions and flagrant misrepresentations in their news. I guess this is what we can call entertainment; since it is far from news.


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